अंतरराष्ट्रीय समाचार

World Environment Day: history, theme and significance

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5. It is a global event led by the United Nations to encourage awareness and action to protect the environment. The day aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire people and governments to take action to protect the planet.


World Environment Day was started back in 1972. That’s when the United Nations, a group of many countries working together, decided a special day was needed to raise awareness about environmental issues. Since then, the day has grown into a massive global event!

It began with the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 5th. This conference started with important talks about protecting the environment. To mark this event, the first World Environment Day was celebrated a year later, in 1973. Since then, it has been celebrated every year on June 5th.

Why is it important?

  1. Raises Awareness: It helps people understand the importance of nature and the need to protect it.
  2. Encourages Action: It motivates individuals, communities, and governments to take positive environmental actions.
  3. Addresses Global Issues: It focuses on pressing environmental issues like pollution, climate change, deforestation, and wildlife conservation.
  4. Promotes Sustainability: It encourages sustainable living and responsible use of resources.

Theme: Restoring Our Land

Each year, World Environment Day has a special theme. This year (2024), the theme is “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience.” It’s about bringing back healthy land, preventing deserts from growing, and dealing with water shortages. Trees, healthy soil, and clean water are vital for a healthy planet!

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