
Meta AI available on WhatsApp to access Gen AI on the go,how to use it

Updated to Meta AI on WhatsApp yet? 
Here's a comprehensive look at Meta AI, an AI assistant that  is set to change how you comm-unicate.

We have all been impressed by ChatGPT’s human-like precision in answering questions and assistance with daily activities. Now, imagine having this superpower of generative AI on your most-used smartphone application. Meta has made this possible with Meta AI.

Meta AI, powered by Meta’s proprietary large language model (LLM) LLaMA 3, is now available on WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram. LLaMA 3 makes Meta AI smarter, faster, fun, and more personalised. This friendly AI, trained on a massive dataset of 15 trillion tokens, generates human-like responses right inside the apps.

Meta AI can be used in feeds, chats, and more across Meta apps to create content, deep dive into topics, and get things done, all without leaving the app. For those who want to use it on a desktop, they can head to meta.ai. At present, the AI assistant only supports English in India.

On WhatsApp, Meta AI can answer questions, provide information, and even converse with a user. While the AI assistant’s responses are generated from the LLM that powers it, in case it fails to find the information one is looking for, it has access to the internet to fill in.

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